In this episode, Orpheus returns to New Lark Library, where he is happy to learn that Alize, Nefari's intelligent (and well-endowed) assistant, has agreed to enter a research program with Orpheus as her test subject... - and that her first assignment is, quote, "perform fellatio until completion, swallowing the resulting ejaculate". Once again, Orpheus is willing to sacrifice in the name of science, hard as it is to continue producing massive amounts of cum with all of his new lovers' demands. Even so, he saves some up for Naira back at home, creampieing her during an actual phone conversation with her Mom. Outside, he continues to go out with Vana, accompanying her to an elite underground nightclub and, later, to a workout session in the gym - although dancing and exercising together is as far as it gets with the purple-haired arcade lady for the moment.