In this episode, Orpheus and Nefari travel to a fan meeting with illustrious erotic writer Anita Dee, which seems like a pretty boring affair but does net Nefari a set of awesomely lewd lingerie, so... erotic and arousing that it makes her want to sacrifice her anal virginity to Orpheus later at night... an offer which our hero can hardly pass by, of course (though he does make sure to cum inside her pussy first, before repeating the act inside her asshole, just for the sake of comparison). The next day, Orpheus goes out on a date with Naira, who takes him all the way up to one of her favorite riverside places - apparently, it's a spot to which all the horny water nymphs tend to flock in their mating season, and little bashful blue-skinned Naira, it seems, is no exception to the rule...