seldonh's Wall
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 comments.
sMG69 - 137 days ago
And . . . Hello, once again! :D I don't recall if I left a picture with my "thank you" note, or not. Judging from the space, there, though, it looks like maybe I did. Sorry it disappeared . . . if it did. Obviously, I don't recall what it was . . . :p :D So, here's another one to make up for that *possible* loss . . . I was having some technical issues and screwed up pictures I had posted with comments. (Long story, short, anyway.) And I'm doing my best to fix them all . . . o.O :D I hope you like this one, here! ;)
sMG69 - 274 days ago
Hello, again. And thank you! :)