About me: Not to suggest that anyone gives a shit -- or will ever even see this!? -- but the '69' in my user name refers to more than just the usual. (Though it refers to that, too. :D ) It's the year I was born and, thus, the age listed, here (above, or wherever it happens to be, on your screen) is in fact correct. :p :D . . . Uh, well, that is, except for most of December. o.O You see, the XFreeHD age counter doesn't count very well . . . So, if I've figured this correctly, every December -- after the 3rd -- I will be a year younger for a brief time. o.o But, hey! That's alright by me! :D
Country: US
Here for: Green eggs and ham.
Favorite Sex categories: My favorite videos (and whatever else there might be) -- and the videos I've uploaded -- should provide a pretty good clue.
Favorite ideal sex partner: I think Marilyn Monroe might have worked out . . . But sadly I will never know. :'( Seriously! No joke!
Pictures are fucked right now . . . Along with a number of other things . . . (Last time I was here -- on the 22nd of January -- anyway.) If, perchance, you want to look at the pictures, click on the "photo album cover shot" and, from there -- IF you use Firefox (I can't speak for any other browsers -- though I think, for most of them, it would be something quite similar) -- click on a "thumbnail," which will take you to what is *supposed to be* the full picture, blown up. But it is NOT! Right click on *that* -- the incorrectly sized picture -- and then "Open Image in New Tab." At which point, you *should, now,* have the correctly sized, and full, picture. . . :p :D o.O . . . Whoops! *After* clicking on the picture -- yet, again! -- IF you see a little circle with a plus sign in the center (of your mouse pointer). If you don't see that, it should be the full thing, already . . . :[ . . . Sheesh! O.o :D (Depends on the resolution you have set. That last, little bit, there.)
That's fair enough? Allherluv is a actually official porn website. Which cost money to sign up, I'll not do, but i got 1 video of Allherluv with Scarlett Sage and Liz Jordan if you like to check it out. :)