powerfromhell's Wall
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AmsterdamXXX - 654 days ago
You know i think you may be right (Brand & LA seemingly arising from Broke & Net) ,and i now notice the speech & presentation similarities (LA & Net). Last year i uploaded like about 25 full vids of LA at once (few with girls from BNA.), and the next day they all got deleted (DMCA Rule Violation notification),so i never tried again. But what you was certainly right about,was my appreciation for that song ,i like those oldschool punk & metal songs from the 70`s 80`s 90`s i really liked it ,never heard that one before, and i didn`t think it wasn`t absurd..it was just Punk, lol. And what was sooo funny & coincidental was the name mentioned in the title and song...that`s my real first name(no joke) Thanks man you made my day with that. Peace & Power from Amsterdam
AmsterdamXXX - 666 days ago
powerfromhell - To be honest i don`t why either. I think it`s because of the spelling. They do operate from the same region, but they don`t relate or worked together. I do know that Jeff(producer) from BNA. worked and is friends with the guy from L.A. New Girl
Good day to you too & Geen dank