laureta's Wall
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 comments.
sMG69 - 207 days ago
Sorry. I didn't mean to make your picture disappear . . . o.O :p :D I didn't think it would do that. =0 It's a long story, but to make it short, I deleted those pictures and then re-uploaded them. Anyway . . . Here it is, again! :P ;D If you don't want it, just let me know and I will delete this message. :) No problemo. ;)
sMG69 - 311 days ago
Well, hello! ;) I'd give you another thumbs up -- if I could -- but there's only one vote per customer and I already did that a month or so back. :p :D Anyway, I just thought I'd drop you a note. And I thought you might like this picture, here. ;D (The full sized version is on over at "my place," if you're interested. ;)