About me: When you are tired of working hard and having a good reputation, [email protected] and the MicroSoft group of off-shore off-license specialists can help to change things. We have particularly low overhead.
** no real name
** no real address
** no real phone
** no real web site
** no real e-mail
You should appreciate these modern economic efficiencies. They save great amounts of overhead. In theory, this could result in some savings being passed along, assuming you have no objection to dealing with vendors who use free scammer maildrops instead of real e-mail services.
Country: IN
Hometown: Redmond WA
City: Bunga Walla
School: learn important lesson about trusting reputation to strangers abroad
Favorite Sex categories: ll transactions with these MicroSoft experts are fully backed by the MicroSoft Assurance:
- if you receive any money,
- you may mail it to Redmond,
- and it will be accepted.