RDS1234's Wall
Showing 1 to 10 of 18 comments.
Jelemia - 32 days ago
Latinaspy min
0sonypony0 - 360 days ago
do you post casting video here too
ManLovingPussy - 664 days ago
I have been reading your comments on your account that I signed up for today, on May 08, 2023. Keep up the good work by posting videos. Could you tell me what your other account is and on which site? I really enjoyed your posts. It's amazing how these guys in the porn industry behave with so much concern, as if these publications are going to take away the millions of dollars that they profit. Selfishness. And pornography is love and sharing. No one is taking away the trillionaire profit that these people have. We're just admiring their work. And sharing to a very specific audience. We are not publishing for profit or any other benefit. They have the means to broadcast their pornographic works without causing any harm to them. Congratulations on the publications.
RDS1234 - 700 days ago
Hey guys so my main account has been un-blocked. As such I shall continue posting from there and this account will remain as a backup.
Mehtiii - 717 days ago
Please continue your activity in spite of all the discrimination that is placed on you by the site admin. We need you and if necessary this time we will cyber attack these accounts. we are with you
DAutreChoses - 718 days ago
I get videos deleted when others copies are allowed to stay up. The site is discriminatory. I don't understand it, and it ain't right, which is why i don't post so much these days. Please keep posting, the community needs posters like you. But, vids get deleted. I'm sorry you're having a bad experience.
excogi2021 - 718 days ago
Sorry to hear about this RED. Let us know if u join any other site like sxyprn.com or something. You are the only reason I use this site and if u quit then I quit too.
RDS1234 - 720 days ago
So today my uploads of BRCC Zoe, Hazel & Roxy along with many others were deleted from this site. However the same videos uploaded by other guys after me are still online. This discriminatory behavior from this site for my account continues while others seem to get a free pass. I'm this close to be done with site forever. Better that you all request videos from other accounts coz I'm not interested any more.
jizzim - 723 days ago
Great to have you back, I'll keep the thumbs up/up vote going. Your daily update is the best
blackgold44 - 723 days ago
Great to see you back ! Always the best scene`s posted by you