For the last 2 days you have violated the cease fire by spamming my videos despite there being zero provocation from my side on your content. Don't start with your nonsense of 'lovebombing' either. As you have from day one being liking your own content, you have no authority & ground to stand on and preach to what every user can or cannot do to their content. Stop your nonsense or get the fuck out of this site. Since you feel that porn isn't a real thing, I really can't wonder as to why you're still hanging around here for ?
Just for your information, except the 1 vote, I didn't do anything more to my today's uploads. The daily 1 vote is no different to anyone else that they do their uploads. Even you do it to your videos so please don't preach any bullshit about 'lovebombing'. My approval was 100% before you the big cry baby came and down voted my videos.
And considering that I have nearly 68k subscribers and 75 million video views, it seems that the true fans have spoken.
This is why my profile is 2nd ranked on most popular for this site while you are a nobody. Don't know if I'd have to scroll 200-300-400 pages on the popular list before your name comes
What's your problem if I 'lovebomb' my own content ? I don't need your permission for that. I have 10x the amount of subscribers as you and don't even let me get started on my daily video views. I thought that you were the best poster here ? Seems like you're nothing but jealous that your account will never be as popular as mine.
Not for the lack of trying, but I propose a ceasefire if you promise to stop all this nonsense immediately then consider me in agreement of the same. However I make no promises for anyone else who you screwed over and don't even consider double crossing me with the 1-2 new accounts which you have already created for yourself. If I continue to see my videos in your playlist and you down voting them expect the same for your videos as well.
Your call now.
You may as well do. But if your claim to being best is your followers and friends numbers then I out number you 10 to 1. But unlike you I'm not insecure to go about down voting videos posted by all other users. This just states that you have a really low mentality.